
Cyndy Jacobsen
Oct 23, 2020
Cyndy shares with Patch why she should be elected to represent Washington's 25th District.
Click on the link to read the whole profile. The 2020...

Cyndy Jacobsen
Oct 14, 2020
My Campaign's TV Ad is Live!
Have you seen my campaign's TV ad yet? In it, I break down some important numbers to keep in mind as Election Day approaches. Ballots...

Cyndy Jacobsen
Jul 25, 2020
Governor Inslee's Eviction Ban - Will it Help Renters in the Long Run?
Governor Inslee further tightened restrictions in WA yesterday. Well-intentioned policies sadly do not always accomplish their stated...

Cyndy Jacobsen
Jul 2, 2020
Introducing new Republican candidates for the House!
Meet some of the candidates running for the State House of Representatives in 2020. To see my introduction, I'm the first one up!

Cyndy Jacobsen
Jun 24, 2020
Where I stand...
1. No new taxes 2. Sensible care for the mentally ill and for the addicted who want help 3. Jobs close to home so we can get out of...

Cyndy Jacobsen
Jun 15, 2020
On the Campaign Trail
In this impromptu interview, I talk about the fact that we need to get rolling again. We need to get kids back to school and folks back...

Cyndy Jacobsen
May 19, 2020
Repeal Comprehensive Sex Education
Last Sunday we had a drive-by signing event for R-90. Go to to learn more about this referendum to repeal the...

Cyndy Jacobsen
May 13, 2020
Can the folks who are responsible for unemployment checks really implement Inslee’s contact tracing?
This week, Governor Jay Inslee announced new requirements for restaurants and other businesses to incrementally re-open during phase II....

Cyndy Jacobsen
May 10, 2020
Cyndy Jacobsen files for State Representative!
Puyallup City Councilwoman Cyndy Jacobsen officially filed today for the State Representative seat currently held by Representative Chris...

Cyndy Jacobsen
Apr 2, 2020
The Governor raises taxes in time of crisis
Despite surpluses in both 2019 and 2020, Governor Inslee signed B&O tax increases into law in February 2020. These increases are hitting...

Cyndy Jacobsen
Mar 30, 2020
Trying to do my part
Making masks may not be my most efficient contribution during this time but I will always try to find ways to help. I must have sewed and...

Cyndy Jacobsen
Mar 26, 2020
COVID-19 Scenarios and Benefits
Be sure to know what benefits you can receive.