Cyndy Jacobsen currently serves as the 25th district’s State Legislator after serving on the Puyallup City Council, teaching math at the Pierce College Puyallup Campus and working as an accountant.
Her roots run deep in the community.
Cyndy and her husband, Doug, have lived in the 25th district for more than three decades. When she realized that a change was desperately needed in her city’s leadership, she knocked on all of her neighbors’ doors and asked for their votes.
Her community elected her to the Puyallup City Council, where she fought to bring a new vision of keeping taxes low, holding government accountable, cleaning up Clark’s Creek, and dramatically increasing our investment in first responders to make our community safer.
Now as your State Representative, she believes in collaboration and that many of our local issues are best addressed at the state and regional level: homelessness and the dual problems of mental health and addiction; equitable traffic funding south of Seattle; and job creation here in our own district. She is principled, balanced, and experienced.
Cyndy is proud to announce that she will be running to be your State Representative again in 2024!
So, when she comes through your neighborhood, stop and speak with her about what is on your mind. Or reach out to her via email and start a conversation.
Cyndy wants to hear from you!
Cyndy's VALUES
More than anything, Cyndy Jacobsen values family.
Her family. Your family.
That's why she taught math to people who were often re-entering the work force after a setback. It's why she served on the City Council and is now your State Representative. And it's why she's running to be our State Representative again:
To sensibly address the crisis of homelessness, addiction and mental health that plagues our community.
To get commuters out of traffic and into new local jobs by removing barriers to economic development.
And to represent the citizens of the 25th by standing firm against new taxes and bringing balance to the current one party rule.
To help keep our streets, neighborhoods, and families safe by funding police departments and passing measures to encourage police officer recruitment and incentivize retention.